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Higher price for short trips and lower price for longer trips

Suggested by Alexander G. Arvidson

Higher price for short trips and lower price for longer trips

Suggested by Alexander G. Arvidson

An incentive to make longer trips rather than shorter trips would make traveling with air more sustainable.


Conscious Traveler Ambassador

Suggested by Markus Strand

Conscious Traveler Ambassador

Suggested by Markus Strand

Give one Conscious Traveler step for sending a "Join me to become a Conscious Traveler" mail to a friend.


Reusable boarding cards

Suggested by Ruben Bakkehaug

Reusable boarding cards

Suggested by Ruben Bakkehaug

Reusable boarding cards for people without phones. Like the consius travelee bag tag.


Donate Eurobonuspoints when booking a flight

Suggested by Henrik H

Donate Eurobonuspoints when booking a flight

Suggested by Henrik H

Instead of "I don't want to earn any points on this trip", make the customer choose between earning points or donating points to charity



Suggested by Knut Eikeset


Suggested by Knut Eikeset

Introduce flying quotas, personal and for companies


Efficient taxiing

Suggested by Roar Maagaard & 3 Others

Efficient taxiing

Suggested by Roar Maagaard & 3 Others

Taxiing from and to gates from runways should be more smooth and with less fuel - using for example AI