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Fly shorter / More direct flights

Suggested by Kim Sandoe & 15 Others

Fly shorter / More direct flights

Suggested by Kim Sandoe & 15 Others

When going from A to D some times you need to transit in B and even C. Price match the most eco-friendly with the cheapest alternative in points.


More Airbus A320-XLR

Suggested by Jan Erik Kvarsten

More Airbus A320-XLR

Suggested by Jan Erik Kvarsten

Use more Airbus A320-XLR on long haul to destinations like Kathmandu, Delhi, Bombay and Colombo Sri Lanka


Fewer daily flights but bigger modern planes on some routes

Suggested by Yannick Vanderlinden & 1 Others

Fewer daily flights but bigger modern planes on some routes

Suggested by Yannick Vanderlinden & 1 Others

Getting more passengers on a bigger modern planes on certain routes will lower the emitted carbon dioxide per passenger as well as optimize the use of flight crews.


Reusable coffee cups

Suggested by Bjørn-Petter Johannessen & 14 Others

Reusable coffee cups

Suggested by Bjørn-Petter Johannessen & 14 Others

Reusable coffee cups for take away coffee and in-flight.


In-flight trash collection rounds

Suggested by Jonas El Said & 23 Others

In-flight trash collection rounds

Suggested by Jonas El Said & 23 Others

When the crew collects trash before landing, why not make separate rounds for collecting, cans, plastic cups, paper, etc instead of collecting all trash in the same bin.


No food service on short flights

Suggested by Alexander Bakke & 10 Others

No food service on short flights

Suggested by Alexander Bakke & 10 Others

Drop food and snack service on all domestic flights (<1 hour), only coffee, tea and water. Both plus and go