Magazines and security and safety papers, is put on the sas app or screen only for long hauls to save paper
EU airlines’ remuneration packages to be linked to their EU Emission Trading Scheme performance.
Inflight sales of biofuel, the one buying most rewarded and recognized at the end of the flight, if flight is all biofueled all contributing share big pile of EB points
Badges in app after booking bio ticket or SAF add on – driving positive recognition and repetition
Veggie first airline should be implemented. Not only for Sustainability reason, also to meet the modern traveler expectations
Dedicated recycling bins in galley/ head for passengers to use during non-service times
Cut the knives and fork in the breakfast box, we only need spoon for yoghurt. There’s no need for one glass per item
Skip the Greenwashing and focus on lowering the net CO2 emissions PLEASE!
Long-haul flights to start descent 3-4 hours before touchdown.