Option to remove luggage when booking
Suggested by Magnus Klepp & 4 Others
Suggested by Magnus Klepp & 4 Others
Suggested by Magnus Klepp & 4 Others
Option to remove included luggage when booking. This will help SAS to predict load and be more efficient.
Suggested by Ailo Emilian Sigurdsen
Suggested by Ailo Emilian Sigurdsen
Stop giving away perks for children. They'll all end up in the garbage anyway.
Suggested by Jan Erik Kvarsten
Suggested by Jan Erik Kvarsten
Use more Airbus A320-XLR on long haul to destinations like Kathmandu, Delhi, Bombay and Colombo Sri Lanka
Suggested by Geir Stian Sigurdsen & 7 Others
Suggested by Geir Stian Sigurdsen & 7 Others
Make an easy solution for choosing to skip meal on flights.
Suggested by carl henrik aanes
Suggested by carl henrik aanes
SAS connects Scandinavia with Europe, through hubs and trains. Fly to a hub, get a train to your destination.
Suggested by Lorentz & 14 Others
Suggested by Lorentz & 14 Others
Eco-friendly air travel with quieter flights and reduced carbon emissions