Compensate EuroBonus members’ CO2 emissions
Suggested by Leander Johansen & 2 Others
Suggested by Leander Johansen & 2 Others
Suggested by Leander Johansen & 2 Others
Compensate Eurobonus members CO2 emissions as before
Suggested by Liam Johansen
Suggested by Liam Johansen
In order to maximum cabin factor, offer Eurobonus tickets on all flights
Suggested by Jeanett Gjærum
Suggested by Jeanett Gjærum
Plus tickets with discount if you don't want food or drink service
Suggested by Christian Sørheim & 52 Others
Suggested by Christian Sørheim & 52 Others
Giving an incentive and getting more passengers to travel light should reduce aircraft loading and fuel consumption. Alternatively allow more cargo.
Suggested by Ivar Aune & 2 Others
Suggested by Ivar Aune & 2 Others
Convert all your aircraft to electric propulsion using Norwegian engine developer SiriNor's electric jet engines, eliminating emissions and advancing sustainable aviation.
Suggested by Yannick Vanderlinden & 1 Others
Suggested by Yannick Vanderlinden & 1 Others
Getting more passengers on a bigger modern planes on certain routes will lower the emitted carbon dioxide per passenger as well as optimize the use of flight crews.