Vote for the best ideas!


Implement a carbon-neutral booking option.

Suggested by Linda Yeo

Implement a carbon-neutral booking option.

Suggested by Linda Yeo

Introduce an option during the booking process for passengers to offset their carbon footprint by contributing to environmental projects, with SAS matching portion of it.


For meals, have condiments provided by request, and not automatically given out.

Suggested by Julie Igo

For meals, have condiments provided by request, and not automatically given out.

Suggested by Julie Igo

For meals, have condiments provided by request, and not automatically given to passengers. So many food items are unnecessarily thrown away.


Standby membership for SAS Youth

Suggested by Alexander Zufar Wilshaw

Standby membership for SAS Youth

Suggested by Alexander Zufar Wilshaw

To increase loadfactor, sell standby memberships to youth passengers who are by nature more flexible. Stable revenue for SAS, increased load factor, more youth mobility.


Sponsor renewable energy sources

Suggested by Andreas Harpøth

Sponsor renewable energy sources

Suggested by Andreas Harpøth

Sponsor projects that can help build renewable energy sources, like wind mills, solar panels. Additionaly work with selected airports on becoming carbon neutral


Use green steel in planes

Suggested by RAIJA SEPPÄLÄ

Use green steel in planes

Suggested by RAIJA SEPPÄLÄ

Use green steel in airplanes to reduce CO2. Steel manufacturing is causing about 8 % of global CO2 emissions. Using green steel in planes reduces carbon footprint.


Green Team

Suggested by Ulf Stigen

Green Team

Suggested by Ulf Stigen

Ask EBG/EBD members for sustainability suggestions onboard or via app. Create a «Green Team» of loyal customers.