Badge recognition in app
Suggested by Emil
Suggested by Emil
Suggested by Emil
Badges in app after booking bio ticket or SAF add on - driving positive recognition and repetition
Suggested by Carl-Axel Eriksson
Suggested by Carl-Axel Eriksson
Go for a fast integration of programs, joint schedules to increase cabin factors in the SkyTeam system - so passengers stays in SkyTeam which will also benefit SAS.
Suggested by Magnus
Suggested by Magnus
Make more out of every trip - it's not all about reducing the emissions but making every trip worth it. Sustainable travel is when the trips you make are worth it.
Suggested by David Hansford & 1 Others
Suggested by David Hansford & 1 Others
Offer pre-filled reusable water bottles and collect them in before landing
Suggested by Svante
Suggested by Svante
Make flight space available for package distributors ex. DHL for a fee. Might save their flight and truck if packages can go with regular airplanes.
Suggested by Johannes Svensøy & 1 Others
Suggested by Johannes Svensøy & 1 Others
SAS uniforms from sustainable, ecofriendly, and recycled materials made ethically