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Sell leftover SAS Plus meal boxes in SAS Go

Suggested by Jonas El Said & 8 Others

Sell leftover SAS Plus meal boxes in SAS Go

Suggested by Jonas El Said & 8 Others

Sell leftover SAS Plus meal boxes in SAS Go. Reduces food waste, earns extra revenue and makes the folks in the back happy.


QR stickers on seats

Suggested by Tomasz & 3 Others

QR stickers on seats

Suggested by Tomasz & 3 Others

Replacing the paper catalog with a QR code sticker. This saves tons of paper. Many catalogs are destroyed or unread.


Finger food

Suggested by Paul Van Doninck

Finger food

Suggested by Paul Van Doninck

Finger food that's easy and clean to eat reduces the need for cutlery and packaging. That's less weight and packaging and opens up for fun, hearty snacks.


Sell carbon credits, and use that money to fly with biofuels instead.

Suggested by Robert

Sell carbon credits, and use that money to fly with biofuels instead.

Suggested by Robert

Instead of making passengers pay for biofuel, issue carbon credits for the emissions avoided by using biofuels instead of conventional aviation fuel.


Standardized suitcase measurements for saving space

Suggested by Johannes N. Svensøy & 2 Others

Standardized suitcase measurements for saving space

Suggested by Johannes N. Svensøy & 2 Others

Encouraging standardized suitcase measurements and/or using AI to plan and stack luggage for saving space and even out the plane in regards to weight.


“Fast Track Challenge” – Speed Up Boarding with the SAS App

Suggested by Joakim

“Fast Track Challenge” – Speed Up Boarding with the SAS App

Suggested by Joakim

Turn boarding into a game! The SAS app tracks how fast passengers go from gate to seat, rewarding the quickest. If the flight boards faster than average, all earn bonuses